CTPL Solutions

Our Software & Marketing
experts are devoted to helping
you improve your business
branding & financial health.

The right ERP, CRM & HRM software and Digital Marketing solution can only help you to manage and grow your business in a right way.

The Value of

Digital Marketing & Performance Marketing Services

With the digital marketing industry growing by the year, performance marketing has huge potential to scale your business when you embrace its full functionality.

Here are the top three reasons why your business should invest in performance marketing:

  • Brand awareness: Through affiliates and agencies with their own established audiences, you can reach new audiences and increase traffic to your site.
  • Trackable performance: Performance marketing is measurable and transparent. In fact, brands can now see the entire click-to-consume path of each buyer, and identify where to invest more and in which partners, which channels and produce better results.
  • Lower risk: Since affiliates are paid only after a desired action takes place, the CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) is often lower and the ROI higher. This leaves more room in the budget for other performance marketing strategies to expand and be tested in order for you to grow and compete.

The Value of IT Solutions

ERP software systems are the programming frameworks that becomes an extraordinary assistance in business analysis, operational planning, administration and to enhance internal business processes, containing manufacturing, accounting/financials, client relationship management, HR management as well as stockroom management. With the assistance of these arrangements, a normal ERP programming incorporates the information and processes of an organization into a solitary unified system.

We at CTPL Solutions offer the best ERP software solutions which is very much helpful for manufacturing and trading organizations in SMEs for assimilation and computerization of the business procedures. With simple and convenient openness of data upgrading the development and proficiency of an organization is more straightforward. With long stretches of industry experience and specialized mastery, we designed our ERP software system that best meets the necessities of numerous organizations. With our ERP software, we help organizations in smoothing out their processes and further develop overall revenues. Simultaneously allow organizations to stay up with consistently evolving the technology.

Best ERP Solution of The Year

3 Times winner | 2019 2020 2021

The Value of

Business Automation ERP Software

ERP software contains all the integrated applications — such as, business accounting/financials including billing system, HR & PayRoll management, and stock management, among others — that empower connections between and across storehouses or departments, and the automation of those interactions.

Request your free quote

If you have the requirements of bulk purchases, we’d be open to a deal as we intend on buying large quantities. We would try to setout the product features with all its settings immediately if your prices match our budget.

What we offer :

Our Software Solutions

Software not only makes your computer hardware perform important tasks, but can also help your business work more efficiently. The right software can even lead to new ways of working. It is therefore a crucial business asset and you should choose your software carefully so that it matches your business needs.

From basic invoicing and billing, to tax calculations and business/project management, accounting software is an essential tool for your business' financial data. It also helps manage clients, reconcile bank accounts, and generate insightful financial reports that help your business grow smoothly and continuously.

ERP helps companies run successful businesses by connecting their financial and operational systems to a central database, while CRM helps manage how customers interact with their businesses. Both serve as vital data repositories.

This software provides easier and better access to the teaching and learning process of students, automates administerial processes like fees collection, online admission, student data management, etc., and provides improved transparency between school/college and students/parents.

A well-organized payroll system boosts hourly productivity and stimulates employee morale, both of which are critical for the efficient operation of the business. The Cloud HR software eliminates all paperwork hassles by automating the procedure and completing it in the allotted period.

Having your own ecommerce website helps you better understand your customers. This includes demographics such as their location, as well as how they found your website and heard about you. You can analyze their behavior on your website, like what they looked at and the path they took to buy from you.

Our Promise To Build Your Business "The Best"

See our list of brand promise examples that meet the needs of their customers and often exceed expectations.

Empower Your Business

CTPL Software makes it possible for firm’s better communication with its partners, clients, customers through web sites, blogs, messages & social media pages which lead to a strong public image.

Track Business in Mobile

If there’s one thing that greatly influences customer satisfaction, it’s how quickly and easily accessible information about a business is. Mobile devices are now a highly integral part of our lives.

Manage Customer Relation

CRM allows you to create more targeted marketing aimed at your customers’ specific needs. It allows your business to cultivate a personal approach to your communications with customers.

Manage Everything Easily

The right software gives your organization a competitive advantage over your competitors, and we find this quite handy, especially for the small businesses in the crowded marketplace.

Simple & User-Friendly

enhances efficiency and productivity helping staff complete tasks faster and with less frustration and fatigue. The best software can even help staff come up with better processes or scale existing ones.

Secure Access @ Anywhere

Secure Access combines network and security functions into a single cloud service, not only to alleviate traffic from data center, but also to embrace a remote workforce and cloud-based application use.

Affordable Pricing

Pricing is a complex but necessary part of business processes. These uniquely packaged solutions stack together to enable you to be agile, proactive and profitable at every step of your journey.

Best Training & Support

Our excellent “Training & Support” system helps our customers to change in their roles, the addition of new team members, or vendors, while support helps our end-users prevent issues from the get-go.

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Grow Your Business With "CTPL ERP" Solutions

ALL-IN-ONE Business Solution For Your Accounting & POS Requirements

Super Market

Mobile Store

Garment Shop

Medicine Store

All Type Services

Restaurant & Hotels

Salon & Spa

Repair Shops

Stationery /Jewellery

Footwear Shop





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